Played to completion on Android. IMPRESSIVE puzzling. Absolutely gorgeous contraption design. Super, super satisfying with great tactile feedback and sounds.

Chapters 1-4 completely blew me away with cool and innovative theming and level design; Chapter 5 started to tread some tired old territory with trite 'ancient civilizations' theming, but still provided satisfying puzzles. The story leaves a lot to be desired, but there's certainly enough there to be thought-provoking. Fantastic stuff.

Played around 2020-21. Fantastic, whimsical art - hand-drawn and delightful. Puzzles are not intuitive. Really do not like that you have to pull a cat's tail in order to solve a puzzle at one point.

Top fucking notch Creature design.

Absolutely wonderful. I've completed the original game multiple times; have not yet completed the bonus fourth map.

Creature design? Fantastic. Level design? Fantastic. Sound and graphic design? Fantastic. I have every achievement. While Secret Agent is both more nostalgic for me and more up my street in terms of genre, both games are absolute top notch.

Learned during my playthrough of this game that I can apparently do a believable Russian accent with zero effort

Carmen Sandiego was one of my first crushes. Femme fatale Carmen with the yellow dress under the trenchcoat, please - accept no substitutes!

Played on CD-ROM as "Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?" - presumably this was the international release, as I'm not American.

Fuck Yeah to literally everything about this. Plot, gameplay, voice acting, soundtrack, everything is next fucking level. I've played through it twice in its entirety and will no doubt do so again in the future.

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Sir, are you aware that you're a cat?

Delightfully creepy. Wonderfully constructed. A little too dark and overwhelming for me, but that's on me. I didn't replay to get the true ending, though I tried via the catch-up tool and a guide a couple times.

Main character seems to love the uwu bishonen catboy cats, but is so fucking mean to their own lil regular cat. Hate that!

Played in 2008-09. Needed a guide to finish it, but was so much fun. Used to be a big Neopets player but lost my account a few years ago.

Fucking legendary. The artwork! The boss battles! The weirdly haunting soundtrack! The deeply frustrating but also mind-expanding difficulty! Played it almost a full decade after first beating SMW1 (which I still love!), and was pleasantly surprised at how grown-up this game feels by comparison.

My go-to stress platformer. I've beaten this in-browser several times in a couple of hours max. The artwork is better in the All-Stars version, but the gameplay still rules in this one. Peach main.