I rarely play anymore but I had a lot of fun when I did. The client is unreliable and looks very dated. Missing many features and its still inexcusable for TCGO to lack a draft mode. Too many meta decks in the ranked or limited play and every deck is, predictably, busted in unlimited play.

Close to a 5* card game experience if it had a real draft mode

Reviewed on May 20, 2024

1 Comment

6 days ago

While drafts in TCG's are my favorite parts (and i was a fanatic pokemon TCG player in the WOTC days) i have to say Pokémon is the worst designed tcg for draft (i did draft sometimes at prereleases), because it's really hard to get evolution lines, and even if you somehow get it you get weird lines like 2 basic, 1 stage 1 ,1 stage 2 that you have to be very lucky to draw when you need it. And tings like overpowered EX pokemon youcan play as basics will definitely break the game, i don't see what you can effectively do against that with a average draftdeck.