The Hitman reboot series (2016-2021) is virtually the same game just chopped into some episodes. So my review for all three is the same. But that's okay. They're all absolutely great. Huge dynamic open maps, near-infinite ways to kill targets. All feel very fun fresh challenging. You can play every map twenty times and still find new things, new methods. It always feels fun too. Never repetitive.

The story is surprisingly tight and coherent for a game that would be just as good with no story altogether. Hitman is a puzzle game at its heart. It's not a loud shoot em up. It requires no shooter skills. It's closer to Among Us or Tetris than it is Call of Duty. A fantastic time and an insane bevy of content. I'll be sad to say goodbye to Agent 47 for quite awhile but I'm looking forward to IOI's take on James Bond in the future.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
