it's by no means the best game out there, nor is it the worst, but if you have an hour to kill this isn't a bad way to spend it.


i thought it was interesting and fun in the beginning with how the combat system worked and such but the further i played into the game the more it seemed like things just dragged on for way longer than they needed to, it made sections of the game really boring and unenjoyable to play to the point where i actively avoided playing the game for a period of time because the monotony of it had become unbearable for me. when i did eventually come back to play the game i was mostly doing it to complete the game and see the end rather than because i was having fun, and i'll admit there were some good bits near the end of the game that i found really fun and interesting to go through, but despite that my overall experience with the game was mostly indifferent or negative with only some spots of positivity throughout.