i forgot about this game until i found it on one of my few yearly internet browser checks, this was super cute! didn't play it much though

trans rights! this was so cute

kinda too easy, but it had its moments. love how you can tell this was definitely made around the cold war era because they decided to make it seem like the ussr (more specifically russia at the time) was your big enemy

knuckles chaotix is alright, the controls are rather painful though. but i like how it's easy to get chaos rings. i also like how colorful the graphics are, vector looks SO cool in this game too.

there's some potential in here, like the haunted mansion (just a castlevania reskin) and the pirates of the caribbean mini games. but this game is not without awkward control issues, the timer can be the worst thing ever if you're playing pirates. i think that 30 minutes is too short for a game too, imagine you're buying this in the 90s for full price

this game was a trip and a half that's all i have to say really

my favorite retro mega man game to date. the level set up is pretty fun for the most part, i also like some of the enemies and think they're rather creative (the hen and the train guy for example). also gotta love how a bird can literally save the world

the graphics in this game are astonishing but the controls are HORRID

wow even video game tarot calls you out im scared

pretty campy (in a good 80s sorta way) and overall a fun rpg game, though near the end it's pretty difficult.

this game is so clunky, awkward, and hard for no reason. it's basically amagon with a disney skin on it. plus why is the villain from sleeping beauty kidnapping alice???

the game with the weirdest controls known to man

this game is good but i felt like it could've had a little more potential? it felt too short

this is my second completion of the game and it's still as funny as ever. i think there's a pretty decent replayability factor and you can find new phrases and things you may not have noticed in your first playthrough.

the pixel art and music is still nice to look at, even after thirty years. also, if you like deadpan humor and/or cartoon violence, this might be up your alley. same if you love furries of the openly gay kind. i can't even say ambiguously because sam will say a man or a woman isn't his type and max doesn't even like girls.

a pretty decent bite-sized kirby game, rather similar to kirby's adventure. my only gripes are that i feel like it's a little short (you can finish it in less than an hour) and you can't obtain abilities in this game.