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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 4, 2023

Platforms Played


A decently fun experience. I expected it to be way more obnoxiously difficult than it was. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised by the pretty balanced difficulty curve.

Some mechanics didn't perfectly gel with me, I don't particularly like that you can boost your speed to the point of becoming uncontrollable for example. Some bosses were also samey and underwhelming (especially the final boss).

There are some bullshit sections, though, with enemies spawning behind/under you, dead-ends and self-regenerating walls. They are not that common, but quite frustrating

The SNES hardware isn't quite capable to keep up with what happens on screen, so there are multiple slowdowns and frame stuttering. Not the worst thing in the world, considering that they make the game a tad easier, but still quite annoying.

Still, it's a fun couple of hours, with outstanding music and visual spectacle.