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1 day

Last played

April 28, 2022

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Nearly identical in every relevant way to the first episode, meaning I had a lot of the same problems with it: namely the open world level is too big to not have a map or more distinguishing landmarks, and the controls occasionally veer from "rough" into "irritating".

That said, I'm developing a massive taste for this series and enjoyed this thoroughly in spite of my critiques. The music is HOT, and the ability to pick up new tracks was a fun bonus that (I think?) was absent in the first episode. I like the new characters and I think over the two episodes I can see a real sense for scope in the design of the levels. I also continue to mostly love the way it feels to skate around in this game, I like the versatility of movement, and at it's best this game FEELS fucking fantastic.

I'm doing this review as a criticism sandwich, because I just remembered another specific thing I really disliked. I understand (and respect) the thematic need to have cops chase and grapple you, but sometimes its a bummer trying to nail a trick only to get grabbed and have the cop spawn with you when you restart your placement. There doesn't seem to be any way to lose them! Also there are too many of those security missile launchers, and they crowd sections that would be better experienced at full speed.

But yeah, I'll download and play every single one of these episodes man. It's good stuff! Just could be a bit better.