Not E3 Announcements/Games I'm Interested In

Decent showings with a lot I have my eyes on.

500 Caliber Contractz
500 Caliber Contractz
The vibes are rancid but the movement in the demo has some sauce. The demo level was a bust to showcase this game though so not the best first impression.
Need to try out the demo but the videos of this game look sick and emulate some DMC/KH feel. Love a hack and slash that very much operates and likes to be a hack and slash with style lol.
Perfect Dark
Perfect Dark
I have no connection to this series, but the reveal has me curious. Not sure what to make of it since apparently this game was in a dire state at some point so hopefully it ends up well, though this is Microsoft we're talking about.
Petal Runner
Petal Runner
Once again sold on the unique art style but the game looks like it offers a nice gameplay variety. Keeping my eyes on this one as well.
Abyss X Zero
Abyss X Zero
3D Metroidvania with Mega Man Legends like visuals. Feel like this will be real worth the wait.
Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
The brief glimpses of the turn based combat has me really interested despite how whatever everything else looks. Need to see more.
Doom: The Dark Ages
Doom: The Dark Ages
I am absolute shit at Doom but god damn the trailer of this game makes me want to buy this anyways. Back to another attempt at getting good at Eternal for now.
Dragon Quest I & II: HD-2D Remake
Dragon Quest I & II: HD-2D Remake
At first I thought it was weird that this was completely separate but after reading some articles and some information elsewhere on the games, I kinda get it. Wish it was getting a version with both together but I'll probably be getting it on steam anyways.
Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Cautiously interested
Mecha Break
Mecha Break
The multiplayer aspect isn't really for me but I do like the mechs
Metroid Prime 4: Beyond
Metroid Prime 4: Beyond
The biggest and my most favorite reveal of the direct man, and I kinda expected it.

it's been ages since the last update on this game but I had some faith we'd hear something the closer it gets to the next Switch console's release and I wasn't wrong. Not beating the allegations of this being similar to Breath of the Wild and Twilight Princess, and Metroid Prime 4 honestly deserves to be a launch title for the next console despite some people thinking it wouldn't fit. Luigi's mansion was a launch title for the GameCube after all lol.

Ignoring all of that, I was still pretty blown away and shaking during its reveal. Samus looks excellent as ever with an even sleeker look that takes more from Dread that I honestly really like it. I wonder if it will have some effect on the general movement and feel but maybe not. The game looks just as cinematic and enthralling as usual with sickening lighting and atmospheric effects in the environment and on Samus. Hearing the classic theme sent chills down my spine and the action looks as fun as ever. Even the spider ball animation has a nice lightning transition effect now. God Retro are wizards.

2025 was expected but I don't mind waiting and hopefully hearing more soon. Really need this game in my hands like now.

Also absolutely wild this was first announced when I was finishing up high school and here I am now...getting it while halfway through grad school. Time sure flies.
Monster Hunter Wilds
Monster Hunter Wilds
Yeah yeah I know I need to get to more Monster Hunter soon because this continues to impress with each new trailer. It is kinda funny hearing people talk about this like it's Capcom's first open world game despite Dragon's Dogma II still being fresh, but hopefully it will have an actual solid frame rate and stronger open world.
Promise Mascot Agency
Promise Mascot Agency
From the peeps of Paradise Killer which I ended up dropping but was pretty enthralled with the dialogue and characters. Interested to see more.
Sid Meier's Civilization VII
Sid Meier's Civilization VII
I haven't played a Civ game in ages and that was Civ V that I remember playing. Want to see more and maybe try out VI if I want to jump back in.
South of Midnight
South of Midnight
The gameplay isn't exciting but the art style eats. Also finally a game on the Bayou with a Black girl. Keeping an eye on it.
The Big Catch
The Big Catch
Another one I have to try the demo for this but the levels look very tight and the platforming super engaging. Very fun.
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
No 3D Donkey Kong, but it's cool that a definitive version of this is being released though this being full price is gonna be as goofy as Luigi's Mansion 2.
More of a curiosity than a huge want since the promotion for this has been really funny. Could be a surprise though.
Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports
Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports
Seeing the developer completely drained a lot of confidence I have in this but it would be nice if this turned out to be surprisingly good. Need a cartoony sports game with how middling the Mario Sports titles have been this entire generation.
Marvel vs. Capcom: Fighting Collection - Arcade Classics
Marvel vs. Capcom: Fighting Collection - Arcade Classics
I'm not a huge fighting games person like that but I do want to get this. Seeing the reactions from folks for this was pretty endearing.
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Most likely won't get it since MGS unfortunately doesn't click with me gameplay wise but why does this look way better than SH2 lol. The piss filter looks a bit neutered.
Metal Slug Tactics
Metal Slug Tactics
Another one I need to try the demo for. Would love another original Metal Slug game but I'm still interested to see what this has to offer.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind
Very Shredder's Revenge but interesting vehicle shooting sections. Maybe
Phantom Blade 0
Phantom Blade 0
The more I hear and see from this game, the more convinced this is going to be insane for me. The Ninja Gaiden influence, clear inclination to being a fast, possibly combo-driven hack and slash, mention and inclusion of Souls level design, possibly interesting boss encounters. Really hope this doesn't disappoint like Stellar Blade
Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake
Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake
Expected this to appear at the direct but still nice to see get a reveal. Not much of a Dragon Quest fan but I'm down to check it out and feel like I'll enjoy it way more than XI did for me. Love the art style
Need to play the demo of this but it sure looks like a blast lol. Weird seeing the Cow and Chicken influence in the Devil's design, but I'm down with the wacky energy this game has going on.
Unsure about this from the reveal despite already knowing it wasn't gonna be full on horror. I can see the Siren vibes with the body swapping but I wanna see more of this. Feel like it will be something unique considering the talent behind it despite the reveal not selling me hard.
Mario & Luigi: Brothership
Mario & Luigi: Brothership
Complete shock considering Nintendo's track record with Mario RPGs until recently and the tragic death of Alphadream with the weird remakes of superstar saga and bowser's inside story. Even more shocking how much this looks real close to the style of the past games but with a bigger budget and scope on a home console. Doubly glad it's an original Mario rpg game instead of another remake or remaster. Name kinda sucks though but I'll survive.
Sonic X Shadow Generations
Sonic X Shadow Generations
Not even here for sonic generations, just here for the Shadow Generations and it looks beautiful and might be decently meaty of an expansion with lengthy stages. Even if I hate the game, seeing Black Doom again from Shadow is sweet since Sega and Sonic Team have been scared to acknowledge him, for good reason. Love the updated biolizard boss fight and the glimpses of Supporting Me's remix. Really hoping Mephiles gets an appearance and fight since Kingdom Valley exists in the game but otherwise I am beyond sold on this.

Still conflicted on what I want to get this on since Gerald's Notebook is such a nice steal but I may want to get it on steam instead. Decisions, decisions, but we are so back.
Super Mario Party Jamboree
Super Mario Party Jamboree
Big day for Mario party fans with nso (not me)
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero
I wasn't too enthusiastic with the earlier reveals outside of the Tenkaichi style finally coming back but all the footage and demos I've seen from people who played it recently have warmed me up on it a lot and the animations and detail put into the combat and interactions keep surprising me. This fall is gonna be brutal on me lol.
Metaphor: ReFantazio
Metaphor: ReFantazio
Not really sure why but I'm not as hyped as everyone else about this. Think I'm still trying to wrap my head on what this game's whole thing is since there's a lot of elements attached to it from SMT, Persona, Fire Emblem, etc. It'll probably turn out well but not hooked yet.
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2
The trailer at the state of play looked real iffy and this feeling is solidified even more now that I have my hands on the enhanced edition of the original. Won't say anymore and highly doubt I'll buy it but the release and responses will be interesting to watch and read lol
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
I have a few things to say about this but first off, I was real off about a new 2D maybe original Zelda game not coming out anytime soon. I was thinking a remake of the Oracle games initially but this was surprising.

Glad that Zelda finally gets her own game after ages of only having Link (and missing a great opportunity for Tears for playable Zelda) that I'm alright with it being a 2D game for now.

The echoes gimmick does worry me a bit about how puzzles and the overall game will be. Really hoping it doesn't go the way of Tears with the gimmick and its impact on the rest of the games' design but will just have to see more and when it comes out.

Also really funny this comes out the same year as Princess Peach Showtime. Hopefully it will be higher quality so fingers crossed.
UFO 50
UFO 50
Looks really cute and fun with some interesting game selections shown off. Gonna give this one a try when it comes out.
Itching for this to come out since I've been following it for quite awhile. While I still haven't played any of the smt/persona titles it's influenced by, what I've seen so far has me interested.
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection
Another reminder that I need to play Ace Attorney, though I may forget until AA7 finally gets announced at some point.
Astro Bot
Astro Bot
The easiest standout of the middling state of play showcase that I'm confused it even exists given Sony's current style and approach to their games. Still, I'm dying to get my hands on this when it drops. 3D platformers are on fire this year.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl
No connection at all to this series either but could be something.
Shadow of the Ninja Reborn
Shadow of the Ninja Reborn
I haven't played the nes original but this looks enticing and challenging.
Black Myth: Wukong
Black Myth: Wukong
50/50 on this being great or middling. Would love to be proven wrong and be surprised by the monkey souls game.
Aero GPX
Aero GPX
Finally an actual F-Zero-like indie and not another Wipeout one. Not that I hate the latter but so many end up falling into that category when they are marketed as the former! Regardless, I really enjoyed my time with this in the demo and it sticks pretty solidly on the F-Zero feel even if it's not as insane as it can get in like GX. If Nintendo won't do it, then I'm down with this.
Blade Chimera
Blade Chimera
Weirdly thought this came out with a demo but I guess not. Another metroidvania that seems a bit Castlevania like with neat art design. Could be interesting
Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess
Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess
I feel like capcom is underselling this for some reason and it is coming out real soon lol. Still very interested in what this game has in store since the action looks nice albeit simple but the visuals are nuts.
Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus
Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus
This releasing next to Path of the Goddess is kinda funny but I'm interested. The aerial combat is drawing me in and of course the art style looks very nice.
Alan Wake II: Night Springs
Alan Wake II: Night Springs
It's already released but I probably won't get to it soon. Always nice to see more AW2 and Jesse being here makes me want to get to this real soon when I'm not busy with other titles.


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