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Fire Emblem Three Houses? More like Fire Emblem Three lords flop???

Okay but seriously though, the game is still real good even after playing it again like four years later. REALLY don't recommend playing all four routes, especially back to back, because of how repetitive the game becomes and the writing of each routes collapse hard on each other with weirdly omitted concepts and questions like the slithering snakes and how representative they are in each one. Maybe the game would have been better if it was a single, long, concise story instead of the branching paths, but Intelligent Systems still rocked with this morally grey war story and characters for the most part.

Ranking of the routes for me:
1. Blue Lions - Azure Moon
-Best house and some of the best boys (Dedue my beloved). Dimitri grew on me in the time skip. Edelgard's last transformation still is strange though given the other routes. Loved the focus on the tragedy of Duscur but wish it got more, despite this route being mostly the only focus it gets. Resolution is good but abrupt with Rhea, the church, and the slithering snakes. Also Dimitri and Dedue A-level support will always melt my heart.

2. Black Eagles - Crimson Flower
-House with the best girls and Hubert. Edelgard is still my favorite lord of the three and her characterization, especially in the post time skip supports, is excellent. Would marry her as female Byleth and destroy the church nobility again. Sucks Crimson Flower is such a criminally short route but at least it's real unique. Maps are cool here. Wish house members did act a little different on whether to stay with the house or not between this route and the church route. Would kick some members from the house for Lysithea and Hilda.

3. Golden Deer - Verdant Wind
-Claude is alright, centrist vibes lol. House with Lysithea and Hilda who I both love. Verdant Wind route felt the most out of place but added a lot of nice lore to the slithering snakes. A little paddy with the snake stuff but still decent. Best to play first.

4. Black Eagles - Silver Snow
-Very forgettable and lackluster. Doesn't really add much to the overarching story. Could have been cut to add more to Crimson Flower. That's all.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2023
