Very surprised this turned out a lot better than I expected since most licensed musou games are kinda ehhh lol. The story's really good, albeit with some weak spots like the twist villain and their redemption, and the pacing taking a minute to get good. It was easy to overlook this since the game does so much right, especially with a lot more interesting character interactions with the p5 cast in their downtime with the road trip angle here, which was sorely lacking in p5/p5r since they were always fighting palace rulers with barely time to just sit with the group and each character. The "villains" felt a little too similar to one another for me, but it was good to see one of the main cast have their moment with the first few of them. Sophie and Zenkichi are excellent new characters and very well written.

The gameplay is where I'm a little conflicted. While it is in the vein of a dynasty warriors game, something felt off about the execution of it. I really like how much they meshed p5's elements so well with the different style, though battles themselves felt either too short with regular enemies or too long with mini bosses and bosses with a shit ton of health and defense. The jails were decent but half felt too short and the other half too long, Okinawa especially should have got more time since it was the most intriguing and unique of the bunch, with the best music on top of that. Each character felt very distinct and viable in different combat sequences, which added to making the general feel of the combat feel engaging, though the tedium of it was still a thing for most of the runtime. Strikers at least felt unique in its take on the warriors style, so there's that at least. Could have had co-op or some multiplayer functions with this game since it would have been fun to defeat demons with other people in control of the thieves.

Music is amazing. The original music and most of the remixes of the original p5 themes were great, not sure about River in the Desert. Definitely felt like a continuation of the main game's vibes but also unique to this entry with the various locations and other detail.

Overall, persona 5 strikers was pretty good. Glad I decided to give it another try after dropping it last year. It was a great reunion of the p5 cast and added more cool moments and interactions that the main game lacked. There was definitely more to the gameplay than when I first played it, but it did suffer from being repetitive at times Despite this, p5s was a great spinoff and sequel to p5.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2023
