this and Dragon Quest in the same day, Sakurai was aiming at me in particular

who cares. pick up a foot ball

As far as I am concerned Smash is over, idk how you can top what was seen as the impossible for almost a decade

Although Iron Giant shouldn’t be fighting, the fact that he’s paired with Superman shows that someone on the development team actually watched Iron Giant which is more than you can say for Ready Player One

I don't know how to play this but I see Felicia turn into Mega Man and I smile

The cowards on won't accept my submission for this

This would be cool if I had any idea what was happening

Normalize big body zoners in fgs

this is a space ship not a turtle ship blatant false advertising

Well it is certainly Tetris plus something else.

Great collection all things considered, but the slow down on Sonic 2 is unforgiveable. Otherwise, basically the best way to play the other games but ymmv on the music (personally I prefer the Genesis originals for all but they're still great arrangements). Doesn’t need a mention since it’s the thing people always point out, but that 3D overworld menu is charming as all hell.

Also no Sonic CD with being able to choose the JPN / PAL / USA OSTs? Sure that's a complaint in hindsight, but c'mon.

Finally beat this thing.

Never again.