why do i feel like all the bespoke queer games ive seen that came out in the last 10 years have been just so saccharine? this isn't really a knock against the game itself, and I don't really fault anyone who enjoys these types of games, its just I really want more games about being gay/trans that isnt just like "I'm a girl and I can kiss girls!!!!!!" I want a game thats bespokely queer, but through the lens of someone whos gotten past the initial euphoria of figuring out your queer identity, like a story thats about people's real world struggles and how they intertwine with their queerness to where its the focus? they speak from the abyss seems to fit that bill from what I've seen, maybe something like that? this is a genuine question btw. and hey maybe if this game eventually does become what im describing then i'll give it another go! i really just wasn't feelin it chief.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2023

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

The funny thing about this is, I've played it for about 23+ hours so far (as of right now), and I feel pretty confident in saying SLARPG is, in fact, the exact kind of game you say you want more of: a game that's "bespokely queer" but is also "a story thats about people's real world struggles and how they intertwine with their queerness."

to be fair, your general point about how a lot of queer indie games are very cutesy and saccharine is well-founded (and something I broadly agree with), I just think it's funny seeing it under this game in particular.