Beeswing 2014

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 29, 2023

Platforms Played


An impressionistic quilt of people and places past and present, remembered and rediscovered. Figments of our childhood plant seeds, emotions, attitudes and ideas, and when revisited in dreams are spoken through by us, projected onto so that we may nurture those seeds. A watercolor smearing of the individual self and the collective, how much of our memories are really us, but how much can they be anything else. When we move away from home, we begin viewing ourselves as distinct from our roots, having grown totally apart. Most people don’t, of course, we just feel like we do. No matter how far we run, we still remain there, both an NPC in someone’s else’s dreams and a wanderer ourselves. We represent something specific to people, we were, and continue to be, formative in some way to someone. Everyone exploring the same spaces alone, everyone simultaneously forming the composition together. When people I’ve met journey in our shared lives, I hope I’m warm. I hope I’m smiling.