its ok! i love the concept, i dig the artwork (the pokemons by characters side emoting alongside the characters was REALLY cute), i REALLY dig the music, but the narrative side of things felt pretty barebones to me. i liked oshi, but her story was the only one i was invsted in, the rest of the cast kinda slid right off me.

the gameplay is pretty easy to get into, with lots of unique stages. the main story is kinda short which i didnt mind and i know the postgame is alot bigger fopr those wantign to spend more thime on this. i skipped it personally since it seemed far too timeconsuming and lacked the more character meat i wanted (only a cutscene at the beginning and end). i wished they took a bit from fire emblem where you could have supports between characters for

again, i liked the concept and some aspects of it, but not really a game overall that will stcok with me

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2023
