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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 21, 2022

Platforms Played


Maybe I am just a sucker for a good art style, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this one. I do get that its not quite as in depth as many other roguelikes on the market, but I think the gameplay is still addicting enough to have made me kept coming back for more over the weekend. I had a lot of fun watching my cult of internet friends just succumb to old age and ask me to bring them poop meals. The cult aspect of this game is what makes it so unique, and while it can definitely use some fleshing out, with how much this game exploded the past week, I think this game can truly edge into something truly extraordinary. Sure its simple, but sometimes, simple is good, simple is fun, and for now, I feel Cult of the Lamb more than satiated my roguelike desires I'm sure most of us get from time to time.