I don't know what got me to finally play Fortnite, I don't really play that many multiplayer games, and a lot of the modern problems with this age of gaming are definitely a part of the new multiplayer models which has made me not want to play like any for years. But I decided I'd just give this a shot on a whim, and yeah, okay I'm having a good time.

I do think this game still shows a lot of my problems with pretty much all multiplayer games. While the whole game is technically free, and they give you plenty, realistically you do need to sink money in to get the most from the game. I think I just hate the concept of Battle Passes in general, they basically make games into chores in many ways. And there is definitely a huge case of FOMO for this game to spend as soon as you can or risk not getting a very expensive skin or an event if you didn’t hop on. Obviously this game doesn’t necessarily negate my problems, but god is it so fun. I can headshot Goku as Mr. Beast, and sometimes you just gotta stop being a cynic and just accept that this game is something special, even with its problems.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2022
