mk8dx may b th best mariokart game but this is my favorite . growing up playing this game n the amount of amazing tracks it has makes it hard 2 make a mk game id like more .

i like fucking around killing random people and police maybe i should play th actual game one day

awesome game but it can get kinda boring kinda fast

a super fun game but not very replayable for me sadly

if they cant bring back th magic of th old pokemon games maybe they should just change th formula completely and find th magic somewhere else . its great , i hope they keep making games like this .

its great but it adds a baby mode and the worst boss in th whole game so like ehhh i dunno man

awesome idea but so unreliant on skill that it gets kind of old resetting because of shitty rng constantly . its fun tho

havent played in forever but it was really fun on th wii u when i was younger .

havent finished it but its pretty good so far . has some great ideas but i think 2d mario has just lost its lustre for me . unfortunate .

bland but pretty good . not much else 2 say .

th most under rated game ever made mayhaps . so good n nostalgic .

if this game sells well , which it probably will , will that finally tell nintendo wat ppl actually want ?

i havent played much of this yet , but the og TTYD is my favorite game of all time , so im probably going to love it . doubt itll top the original for me though . just how i am .

a game that im absolutely flabbergasted when people say it "stands th test of time" . it doesnt ! th controls are god awful . th camera is kinda shit . i know this was great for its time , but its been nearly 30 years ! its so out dated . if they were to remake it with modern sensibilities , it would probably be great ! . but as it stands , this game is pretty awful by todays standards in my opinion .