I have faint memories of watching my dad play this game when I was a child. Dude legit was 100%ing this game for some reason, like the PS2 wasn't about to come out. This, Turok, and watching my uncles play Dreamcast rentals are my earliest gaming memories. One of my goals coming into this year was getting into Mega Man. My Mega Man is .EXE. I loved the first couple of Battle Network games and X Command Mission, but both of those were RPGs (kinda). Little did I know, I just played the other Mega Man RPG.

Mega Man Legends is cute. Cute as in, it excels at what makes JRPGs always fun to play for me personally: Chill ass towns. Instead of traveling to different towns and islands, you're locked on this one island and slowly start to befriend the townsfolk. It's cute to watch the relationships with the crew and townsfolk grow until the credits.

Mega Man Legends is also pretty basic. The controls were still trying to figure out 3D spaces, so the tank controls are pretty archaic. You can't just change your secondary weapon on the fly, either. Most of my annoyance while playing was just trying to master strafe shooting or backtracking. The game isn't really that long once you know where to go, and most of the game can be completed in like 6 hours, really. Though, I finished around probably 8 or 9 hours just from backtracking and dying to the final boss a lot.

It's a unique game in the sense that it's fine. Its voice acting is great, its character designs are fun, its world is beautiful, the OST is amazing, but the actual game isn't as well-made. It's just fine. Sorta like how Jet Set Radio doesn't really feel good to play sometimes, but you understand why the Art and Sound Design inspired so many.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2024
