I REALLY loved Borderlands 1. I've replayed that game so many times over that I could theorycraft builds for each character and their skill trees from memory, but I never played any of the other Borderlands surprisingly. It's not like I didn't try, Whether it was on PS3 back in the day, or PS4 multiple times, I just couldn't really get even to Sanctuary until this recent playthrough

TBH, it's really the side quest. When Borderlands 1 came out, ain't nobody did anything like it so it was refreshing to just do everything to get that new cool gun. Yet, by the time of Borderlands 2, and even then by the time i'm playing it, this is like industry standard. I try my best not to judge games based on standards that weren't there when it was released, but even then I was starting to get disillusioned to the boring side quest (See my giant list of MMOs that aided in this process). Doing that first bullymong side quest always filtered me to stopping a playthrough.

Borderlands 2 has a scaling problem. It expects you to do every side quest before continuing. It scales its levels based on this principle. So egregious as to have a whole 5 level enemy jump from completing one story mission to the next. Which fucking sucks for someone like me who does not do side content if I don't find it fun. I didn't like going back to grind these boring ass missions out, while listening to mind gurgling banter. Like I get it and at the time 9th grade me probably would've eaten this writing up, but I'm pushing 30 now so I get what Reviewers were saying now at the time.

I quit around Chapter 15 (which makes me gag realizing I only had 3 more chapters to go). I just couldn't do it anymore. I was stuck with damn near infinite spawning Badass Loaders 5 levels above me while all I could do was whittle at their life bars with my corrosive peashooter.

I think another thing that didn't help was I didn't find a strong enough class identity with the roster of characters. Axton is a worse Roland. Maya is a worse Lilith. Zero has a boring kit for the style of combat the game require, and Salvador is basic. Like dual wielding should be cooler but...it's boring. Axton was my guy for this play through, but I just couldn't figure out what tree to focus on or what to really build. Granted, I only got to level 24, but in the first game, that's when your play style is starting to get defined already. Whereas in 2, I feel like I'm just getting the first couple of perks still. Maybe I should've done all the boring ass side quest to be overleveled for the main quest. Idk.. I'll probably do like I did Tomb Raider earlier and pick this up years later to finish off this playthrough but for now...

this aint it

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2024
