What I liked: I played this for the first time as an adult, so I don't have any nostalgia for it, but I still thought it was totally solid. I'm a sucker for those late 90s early 00s graphics and the tycoon game aesthetic. Building your own park is fun and there's a surprising amount of room for creativity.

What I didn't like: This game made me feel like an idiot a lot of the time because there are a lot of very complicated mechanics that are really not explained, so I felt like I was constantly having to google how to do everything. I also didn't like how a lot of the game modes involved accomplishing a goal by a certain date because it made it hard to "role play" and gave me no time to do fun stuff like decorating. It also felt like half the time I wasn't "allowed" to put in like 90% of the coasters and I wasn't sure why.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
