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samussonic finished Tavern Talk
It’s everything I wanted it to be.
Was looking forward to this game for sometime now and it doesn’t disappoint. All of the Coffee Talk and VA-11 Hall-A fans, without a doubt play this. Being an Innkeeper has never felt so good. With the most wonderful regulars around who you can’t help but love. That tell you their stories of a fantasy world full of interesting beings and life you would want to see with your own eyes. You’ll end up looking forward to the next story they tell. It may even include you.

14 hrs ago

samussonic liked dogs's list peg mission

1 day ago

samussonic is now playing Sea of Stars

1 day ago

1 day ago

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3 days ago

samussonic backloggd SeaBed

3 days ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

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