Dezatopia 2020

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Dezatopia is one of the most unique shymps I've played in and while and its too bad that its as obscure as it is.

Dezatopia uses all four of the Switch's face buttons to fire a different type of shot in the direction of that button. ex: X fires up, B drops water bullets down, A fires to right etc. If you hold the button down your shot is steady, but weaker but if you don't press the button for a while the shot becomes more devastation. Its a nice trade off and makes certain bosses more interesting. Do you fire continuously for steady damage or do you hold and and do massive damage?

There are so many other mechanics at play in Dezatopia and honestly there are just too many for me to explain for competently but one of the most notable aspects about Dezatopia is its Stage structure. Dezatopia doesn't have 7 standard stages. It has multiple routes you can choose each with their own specific stages. Each route has its own specific objective you have to complete in order to unlock the Final Boss fight. For instance, in Route A you have to beat the first 5 stages in under 15 minutes while another route requires you to collect 100,000 animals.

I actually really like this attempt to allow players to choose what challenge requirement they want to focus on. What I didn't like about their last game Mecha Ritz was that you had to engage with a Boss time limit mechanic to get the most out of that game. Dezatopia giving me multiple different options on what requirement I can choose to reach the final boss was a really excellent compromise on their part and honestly makes me want to go back and try out the other requirements in the other routes.

The controls and all the mechanics take a few playthroughs to finally "get" but if you stick with Dezatopia for a while I think it really grows on you.