Take A Dog Out A Walk.
This game sometimes makes my joycons sound like they're going to break but it's an incredibly fun and simple puzzle game with great style and variety, as well as a high skill ceiling that will keep you coming back. I just beat the basic challenge mode, but I know I'll keep coming back for a while to try and get an even better score.

I really appreciate how personal of a project this entire series must have been for the creator, but I really just don't think I'm the intended audience.
Lots of really creative stuff here and I love the art, but the story and dialogue are both kind of a mess. If I were still in middle school and horribly depressed I'd probably like this way more.

OST goes hard but everything about this game was incredibly repetitive and almost wholly unoriginal.

Overall had a great time.
The combat can definitely get stale after a while. Early game experimentation with jobs and trying out different moves eventually just gets phased out by using the same attacks that hit everyone once you get your team figured out. I also don't enjoy how much grinding you need to do to be able to progress the main story at some points.
The story is pretty great in this, even without having played the preceding games. The middle sections lost me for a while, but once you get focused back on the main plot, it really picks up. I was surprised at how emotionally captivated I was by the finale.
Despite some repetitiveness that was really wearing me out by the end of the game, there's a lot to do and a lot of fun to be had.