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October 8, 2023

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I try not to base old games fully on modern standards and complain about poor graphics or things that were more standard back in the day (not having modern QoL, basically). I don’t know if I can be so nice to Kirby’s Dream Land. I like the Kirby series and this game has blossomed into an incredible series but the first game is.. somewhat devoid of content.

It’s short, which isn’t inherently a bad thing in of itself, but it’s a very simple platformer with not much going for it. Kirby controls like he ever does, with many sound effects and enemies from this game still used today, but he’s completely missing copy abilities! So all you can do is suck things up and spit them out. Not a particularly interesting move set, and the stage design doesn’t much make it worth it. There’s just not much going on. Pretty much only worth checking out as the root of the Kirby series, not a particularly fun experience in of itself.