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spykor completed Final Fantasy V
I replayed FFV for four job fiesta this year, and honestly, on the replay I think this game has warranted the extra half star bump to 5 stars. It was just, if not more, fun the second time around, and I’ve gained an appreciation for just how much you can do in this game. With a team of blue mage, time mage, beastmaster, and dragoon, I was able to pull off most major milestones and beat the game, including Shinryu (I couldn’t think of an answer to Omega that did not involve extreme amounts of grinding). While the job system is so big and vast, there really isn’t anything you can’t do with any party (except maybe four berserkers, but I’m also aware there is a solo run of them out there!). And I think that’s impressive – I really value customization in video gaming and that element of FFV is something I deeply enjoy.

12 hrs ago

10 days ago

spykor reviewed Final Fantasy II
I accidentally deleted this log and now I'm filling it back in, which is annoying, partially in part because I don't think there's that much to say about FFII. One of my friends summed it up quite succinctly, it's a game of "in theory..". The systems are pretty convoluted if you look into them, and there are some interesting ideas in there, but they largely fall flat in practice. I believe my previous log went into a little more detail than that, but I can't be bothered to dredge it all up from memory and rewrite it all. Alas.

In any case, I don't think FFII is that bad. It's certainly not good, but it's hardly abysmal or irredeemable. I had fun at least watching my stats go up, if nothing else. I value customization in my games.

14 days ago

14 days ago

14 days ago

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