I don't have much different to say about Ocarina of Time 3D than what I said about the original. They've done a major graphical overhaul and made a couple of tweaks, which are by and far mostly quality of life changes mostly around demarking the Water Temple to be far less confusing and memory-based. The only negative thing I've found is that Navi, who is memed on a lot but I never found annoying in the original, gets a little insulting with the Nintendo Game "hey you've been playing too long, take a break" prompts, and with suggesting I go to a Sheikah Stone and get a hint, which tend to prompt most notably when I'm at the end of the adult-era dungeons. But it's not enough to warrant any demerit on a 5-star scale. Just a minor hiccup.

And also Master Quest is here but I'll write a separate review for that when I play it on the N64.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
