This game is very bad. Even for Fire Emblem. The story is completely off the rails, thankfully it's largely ignorable but some of the writing is truly atrocious. Characters act dumb and in really incredibly cringey ways. Comparing this game to Revelation, Camilla goes from acting like a totally normal person who maybe loves her sibling a bit more than most in Rev to a total crazy person in this game. And that's saying nothing about that cutscene at the end. Distasteful.

The maps are very bad. There are so many just absolutely atrocious maps in Conquest. The eternal stairway, the kitsune lair, the Hans/Iago chapter.. I know this game was designed to be a harder experience but it feels like some of the stuff they throw at you is just bullshit "because it's supposed to be hard!"

I already talked in my Revelation review that I don't like the infinite weapon system and that it strongly favors enemies over players. I don't like it here either, but I did find the number of enemies using BS weapons near the end of the game was at least lower here than in Rev.

Reviewed on Aug 07, 2023
