105 Reviews liked by spyrospy

This was such a wonderful experience. I think alan wake 2 is way more than just a video game, and something that everyone who loves deep story telling or psychological horror/thriller should play. I can't wait to play ng+ and see what else this game has left for us and also i'm really excited about the dlc's as well.

Alan Wake 2 is the largest swing yet from Remedy, and it clicked on every level for me. Have not stopped listening to the soundtrack, either.

Alan Wake II is a unique and mind-bending take on the survival horror genre with an artsy twist. Although the gameplay might seem simple and uninteresting, the engaging ever-changing narrative more than makes up for it. The story builds upon the original Alan Wake game in all the right ways, leaving you with many questions, but in a good way. This game shows that Remedy Entertainment has a bright future ahead of it, and I cannot wait to see what's next for Alan Wake

And some say that it loops forever this road that i lose you on everytime....

Awsome game! Story is fun and interesting, great graphics. Gameplay is not the greatest but I m still having a good time. The level design is really well done too
Well done remedy! That’s an amazing game!

It's a lot of fun and must've been huge at the time but the karts feel so lightweight that you hardly feel in control. There's too much sliding IMO and certain levels are challenging in the frustrating way, not the enjoyable way

now i get why ichiban suffers from schizophrenia

i love the simplicity. really owns the style and i can see how it basically invented modern jrpgs

dont really have much else to offer when talking about how extremely influential title this is but i was really struck by how short and sweet the game was. cute little experience, knocked it out in the span of like a day. shoutout to yuji horii and the gang for taking a bunch of complicated RPG mechanics and streamlining them into something so compact

One of my most fascinating gaming experiences, and I never would've expected to like this as much as I did. Incredibly simple, and yet fun and smooth to play. Discovering the secrets of the world and progressing isn't as cryptic as other NES games (like the original TLoZ), and actually feels incredibly rewarding and satisfying, and overall aside from maybe the Erdrick Mark thing near the end (which is handled kind of poorly and had to look up if I was right [I was]) the game is in my opinion completely beatable without a guide.
It's also simply fascinating to see where a whole genre started, and the game isn't even as grindy as I expected it to be (I only did it twice in my whole playtrough).

My only complaint is how out of place character sprites look in the port, they just don't look quite right. On the other hand, the orchestral soundtrack and battle artworks for enemy are both beautiful.
I think for the price (5€, often on sale) this is an awesome little experience that everyone who likes JRPGs will enjoy.

I have a feeling in a couple of months I will have played this even more times than the Dark Souls games.

I'd say the game is alright. I feel like at least half of the game is grinding, which is pretty lame, but I did enjoy traveling to new locations and seeing the cool enemy designs.

I want every AAA game to shoot for the fences like this from now on. A display of pure, creative force and piece of art I'll be thinking about and replaying for a long time

I think it will take a while for there to be a more creative and well-made game than this in the survival horror scene, Alan Wake 2 raised the bar of the genre by a lot.

13 Years and they cooked

Update:The Final Draft is beimg written hopefully to finish it soon

Damn the way this game was presented is very well done, while I thought the first Alan wake was just an ok game, this one was amazing, this is also a hard game to spoil when it comes to story, the story was more interesting in this game than it was in the first Alan wake, the worldbuilding and narrative are well crafted, overall great game, loved it.