• The visual style, from the cutscene art to the low-poly models, is beautifully executed and insanely striking. Like damn this looks good. The 3D stuff actually gives me kind of "2000s point & click adventure game" vibes.
• Had one of those "idk what exaaactly I just played but I think it was peak" moments like how wonderful
• Narrative is really cool though I think the ambiguity was well handled and I like how it feels like there's like 5 levels of horror at play
• The puzzles and overall navigation were really fun to figure out, I loved how you really had to use everything at your disposal; the radio stuff in particular is very satisfying to do.
• My least favorite part about it is that the inventory management element felt a little frustrating; I hated whenever I went into a room and I seemed to only either have too much on me or too little on me :(

My brain is kind of fried a bit but I loved it! Beautiful atmosphere and aesthetic, solid gameplay and narrative, a great experience.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2024
