4 reviews liked by stag

I interrupted a lesbian couple on their date with a harmonica

I absolutely loved this. The amount of character, detail and mystery in Disco Elysium's lavish world immediatelly pulled me in. The complex storytelling and rich cast of characters on display is very captivating and the game blends its unhinged humour and serious themes effortlessly. Masterpiece of a game, with so many layers to its role-playing systems aswell as amazing voice performances and a banging soundtrack too!

This is another one of those games that everybody loves that I just can't get into. Maybe I'll update my review one day.

it was a lot more fun when I was like, 13 years old
all of the DLC & Packs is frustrating, makes the base game feel so lacking. I've played a lot in different styles, but it feels like the only way to make it worthwhile is mods or buying in... which shouldn't be how the game is... the game has been out forever. so my adoration has peaked and decline throughout the years of playing it lol.