6 reviews liked by starfishsea

Irredeemable. Whoever made the decision that a UI made for phone-size touchscreens should be translated as-is to a fucking TV setup with a button interface should burn in hell. They made two versions of the UI specifically for this version as well which are somehow even worse because of the batshit insane decision to have the lanes not be anything even remotely resembling equidistant. Look at this and tell me there was any thought put into this whatsoever. You can't. This is also a lane setup specifically only available to mid-level and above charts, meaning there is no actual way to get even remotely used to this war crime posing as a UI other than trial by fire. This UI is the death of all things.

Also the song prices are fucking insane, lmao. $314 for a comparable amount of, if not less content than a good majority of modern rhythm game releases, all of which have at least one brain cell invested in the idea that actual people have to play it.

Glad beyond belief I had the foresight to try this on an alternate account so I'm never on the hook to actually play it more than I did, much less having to actually FC two of the godawful 6-lane charts for trophies.

The game works fine enough I guess but man, the F2P model does not work when you charge fucking $27 for a set of songs. Capitalizing on people who have gambling addictions (from the LL mobile games) is just ridiculous. The quest for a good Love Live game is still ongoing.

Pretty sure I got kicked out of a friend group for not playing enough of this shitter ass game lmao

ppl shouldn't be allowed to use voice chat in video games unless they pass a nice test where you have to be nice online