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real tough one to rate, seems that's a common thread. It's stylish as fuck and I love the minigames battle system (not perfect, but infinitely more engaging and interesting than "hit attack and hope you don't miss"). There's just a sense of missed potential with this game. tldr i did really like it, it's artistically inspiring, it does a lot of things well...which just makes the shortcomings more obvious.

Your character never seems to be able to make any choices, and with the extremely limited inventory there aren't even many decisions to be made regarding battles, you either get good at the minigames or you don't. grinding seems pointless, since non-boss battles award you a pittance of Fortune Coins (if any!) and my level capped out before I beat the game. Normally in games like this I enjoy looking for little hidden items or character actions, but the stuff you do find seems inconsequential (found a new goblin? well you don't get to choose which one comes out during battle and they all behave the same...) or just fills up your inventory with garbage. Would've loved to see more side-quests, optional content, branching paths, character relationships, and for a game with this much love and charisma it's heartbreaking that in the end it's a pretty bland story, and digging any deeper yielded more frustration than awe.