an utterly repulsive and mostly just kind of sad game. mike patton is the single redeeming quality of this game, and don't tell me it's the swinging. the swinging sucks just as much as the combat and the story and the visuals etc etc etc
BC09 will always be seen as some misunderstood hidden gem instead of rightfully being derided as a culmination of every bad 7th gen trend and this frustrates me greatly

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2023


9 months ago

You don't need to be frustrated by people enjoying this game to an extent that you don't personally get. All of your complaints are completely valid, but they're only subjective as a great amount of people have spoken about how much they enjoy the aspects of the game that you don't, even if they didn't enjoy all of it. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the game but since you're a fan of Rearmed, hopefully you can see fans of 09 like me as people who love the same franchise that you do even if our opinions aren't the same. Have a good one!

9 months ago

I meant to add that the opinions of people who praise this game are subjective as well. It definitely doesn't work for everyone.