ugly trite game with terrible presentation that plays like a nightmare. all of this despite reusing many of the sprites and mechanics from the ever-incredible alpha 2. and i'm not just talking about "buhhh buhhh v-ism broken", but like, who thought it was a good idea to put air techs in street fighter? also every move gives you extra stun/knockdown/launch on counter hit; what's going on here? did you realize guilty gear was about to take over your market share for like 2 years? whatever, CVS2 is hands down just a better execution of every idea this game has. just go play that game. it has iori in it.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024


27 days ago


21 days ago

I might give respect for what the soundtrack does, but yeah lol

21 days ago

@Errdor that might be my least favorite part of the game lol. the songs all blend together for me, a lot of poor-sounding guitar and synth samples droning while drums create pure cacophony. again i'll easily take any other SF soundtrack up to this point in the series. dan's theme is admittedly pretty good though; good enough for SNK to use it over his A2 theme in match of the millenium!