ive seen a lot of distaste for pikmin 2 recently, and now it seems like its the most polarizing game in the series. you either love pikmin 2 for its challenge, mini-roguelike caves, and new additions to the series, or you hate it for its difficulty, which can sometimes edge on downright cruel or unfair. for me, personally, i love pikmin 2 to death, and its probably my favorite of the 4 pikmin games currently out. pikmin 2 will kick your ass, spit in your eyes, curbstomp you, and then give you a bundle of roses the next day and apologize for its actions.

as previously mentioned, the caves are randomly generated each time you go through them. the layouts are different each time, but it keeps things like treasures and enemies consistent. it makes for a game with loads of replay value, with so much to do to keep you coming back.

i personally play the wii version whenever i do my replays, which includes new play control pointer controls, which is the best way to play. that being said, the gamecube controls arent as bad as youd expect for a game like this, its very much designed to accommodate those original controls.

if you played pikmin 1 and wanted a bit more of a challenge, give pikmin 2 a shot, its sure to give you exactly that

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024
