ive never found another game that makes me feel the same way chulip does, and its wholly unique in that sense. its super cozy, and the time management aspects almost remind me of something like Majora's Mask, where on replays of the game im always trying to get as many things done in one day as possible, and it's always a really fun time. it's also silly, but not to the point where its over the top. it puts something absurd in front of you, and everyone in the game treats it like its normal, which i think is a really good way of doing things. chulip is a game you can truly get yourself lost in, getting kiss after kiss after kiss, only to realize you've now been playing for 4 hours straight, and still wanna keep going. the only issues i'd say i have with chulip are that sometimes, certain solutions to puzzles can be a bit obtuse, but in the game's defense, every hint you need to solve them is there, you just need to find them. the other issue is that the save system can be rather unforgiving, and because it's VERY easy to take a lot of damage very quickly, you'd best be saving religiously. other than that, chulip is a hard recommend from me

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024
