Instead of offering a unique and memorable gaming experience, sadly it seems to have proudly chosen to embrace the label of being called a 'Bloodborne' clone.

In essence, Lies of P shamelessly borrows heavily from the 'Soulsbornekiro' series, blending their core elements into an undercooked and ultimately frustrating gameplay. While the game does have a stellar art direction, it struggles to stand out in any other aspect.

The level design disappoints, with most areas feeling overly simplistic and generic. Only a rare exception or two manages to capture any real creativity. Bosses, unfortunately, suffer from a series of issues: they are often overly spongy, their animations lack fluidity, they rely excessively on delayed attacks that, as previously mentioned, suffer from animation stiffness and most of the bosses had a sense of similarity to them? The stolen Sekiro parry mechanic is implemented poorly and made the overall gameplay experience inconsistent. As for the normal enemies you face, there is a good variety of them, but like the bosses, they also tend to be unnecessarily spongy.

The game literally copies areas, quests, enemy placements, and even cutscenes from Bloodborne. For example, one character is introduced in a similar way to Father Gascoigne, only to turn out to be a Gehrman clone?? As for the story, I didn’t care that much it was as you’d expect but really want to acknowledge the voice acting which was surprisingly good.

I hate how current game devs heavily rely on orchestras to make everything so epic & divine. The music was mostly forgettable. It also became repetitive and annoying. I often found myself removing my headphones during boss fights, as the music did not enhance the gameplay experience, but rather irritated me. I wish the game had invested more in creating an original soundtrack that would suit its world.

I can't believe that I saw people who think that this game is as good as Bloodborne or that Neowiz Games should handle Bloodborne 2. One thing I’m sure of is that Neowiz must hire a creative team before spewing out another product.

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2023


8 months ago

They need to hire some people that actually understand the games their ripping off too

8 months ago

HazeRedux You clearly haven't played the game. The game is quite different from Bloodborne, it doesn't even look the same, nor the aesthetic is the same.