games that actually scared me

ranked by how many times I had to pause the game to recollect myself

Outlast II
Outlast II
Very familiar with the pause screen of this game lmao. For all the things this game does wrong, it certainly works the atmosphere for all its worth.


Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Scariest experience I had with this game was: Running away from Jack and hiding in the laundry room, proceeding to sneak towards the double doors, and having Jack kick them open in my face. I think I literally shed years of my life.

My second playthrough went a lot more smoothly, and I would literally run up on Jack to unload on him.


Paused many times to recollect myself.


Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Nemesis is so unnecessarily fast, and the music does not help at all. The tank controls definitely help.


No One Lives Under the Lighthouse
No One Lives Under the Lighthouse
The first half is very unassuming, and very unnerving. It reminds me too much of an early PC game, like something I'd get with a Sold-Out label. I played this game in a tiny window. The second half is terrible, and not scary.


Clock Tower 3
Clock Tower 3
I don't know if this game scared me as much as it JUMPscared me. The first time Sledgehammer appears in the house, falling from the heavens, I jumped so hard I almost knocked my glass over. Chopper also caught me in many unexpected places.


Haunting Ground
Haunting Ground
You never know where these guys are gonna come from, and the music in this game is really important for that. The dread I felt every time the music suddenly dropped.


The Evil Within
The Evil Within
This is an outlier because, for some reason, Chapter 3 scared me so much many years ago that I couldn't finish this game. Having recently played it again, I can say that the game isn't all that scary.


Buddy Simulator 1984
Buddy Simulator 1984
I'm scared of things with long necks.



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