Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

December 26, 2023

First played

November 26, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This was a weird game for me. I don't really know how to feel about it.
First and foremost, I put this game off for a long time. This is mainly cause the start of the game is SO SLOW. Ori doesn't have any abilities and is no fun to control. Only thing you can do is jump and attack. For the first 3 hours this was how the game was - very bare bones, and tiresome to navigate. But to give credit where credit is due, when you unlock some of the later abilities, movement gets so much more fun. You can really get creative with the puzzle solving and platforming with these abilities.

Another major gripe I have are the visuals and animations. I cannot stand it. I understand the setting and theme, but the amount of blue in the level pallete is jarring. My eyes hurt. There are too many things glowing at a billion lumens on the screen. And the art/animations, in my opinion aren't that great - or maybe not my cup of tea.

Another unpopular opinion is the music is subpar. I heard the music of a level once, and then just put it on low and played music over it. Not my style.

The level design is decent. You don't really get "lost' in a level/section, which I appreciate since I hate backtracking. However, I feel the puzzles sometimes get annoying. The good puzzles are really good, while the bad ones are "meh".

I would have given the game 2/5, but just for the abilities and platforming puzzles you get towards the end of the game (and its a short game, so not a lot of waiting), I bumped it to a 3.