So... why does objectively better sequel loses it soul? It's more common than you think.

Also, it's super linear

Imagine indiejank metroidvania. But you are a cat that flung away by triumvirate of mice, birds and fish to far away place. And you cannot even jump until you find cat litter to shit in. And then you find ancient-tech temple and have to find 9 hypercubes. And then you become powerful, and fight the eldritch god, because he stands between you and your couch.

Best jank I have ever played

Braziljank. Tutorial is fifth of the game. Short, pointless, janky. One of the worst MVs I have played

It's great Metroidvania and if Neolark is reading this, please bring it back

If you can get over amateurish artstyle, It's one of the best metroidvanias I played. Around 10 hours of content, upgrades really change playstyle, and I want to return back to previous areas, which is most important aspekt of MV