This isn't a game, it's art. There's no reason to treat it as some finely tuned experience that caters to the player. The game expresses itself very strongly through its demonstration of psychology, and you get out what you put into it. Anyone who rushed through it and felt like their time was wasted did so entirely to themselves, and the disrespect they showed to the game is thrown back in their face for it.

It's a selfish, self expressive game that doesn't care about you. It's up to you to care about it. With a billion other games out there, if you want a game that sucks you off and gives you the dopamine you're looking for, you can go anywhere else for that. If you want a thoughtful game that takes a deep dive into trauma and a tour around the mind of a disturbed person, this game will always be waiting here.

Very Good/10.

World of Darkness wasn't even that bad. There's a few difficulty spikes like Garuda, but aside from that you can just walk through the game applying a very basic strategy to win.

The world is huge and impressive, it's amazing from a data perspective how much they managed to fit into this game. There's some stuff they did that I didn't even know was possible with this hardware. Insane.

Extremely cheesy. Gimmick wears off fast, but the game keeps going. Thank god it's short. Though, it did throw a curveball with that Diablo 3 style dungeon that I enjoyed.

Game's great until you realize it's not actually a roguelike, and gets even worse when you start actually breaking the game.


Cool game, but the gimmick wears off pretty fast. Doesn't overstay its welcome though.

Cute cat.
Movement physics are really not on point though.

Played this for JP practice, the combat was a bit better than Illusion of Gaia's. I think the story was a bit strange and underwhelming, but the plot twist was kinda cool. I feel more sad knowing that this is probably the last good Quintenix game before they busted. They didn't exactly go out with a bang but it was really enjoyable nonetheless.

The balancing and control scheme on this makes it pretty clear that you're not supposed to take it too seriously lol fun game but don't get too sweaty.