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I really shouldn't have enjoyed this game as much as I did. The combat is extremely basic, including awkward dodge mechanic and clunky aiming (you basically aim using your flashlight rather than your gun, making some precision shots, e.g. trying to shoot an exploding barrel next to an enemy that becomes auto-locked when you aim in his general area, extremely difficult). Most level design is equally simple, making the player run in circles around the woods with some copy-paste dilapidated houses and mills that serve as storage for ammo/collectibles. The driving sections are tedious, and whatever fun that can be had while crushing enemies with an SUV is undermined by poor controls that make it almost impossible to actually turn the car. Also, the last chapter is by far the weakest, with the game simply throwing an army of the Taken at you and the final confrontation feels like an afterthought rather than proper climax.

But those problems - very serious ones, don't get me wrong - mostly fade away simply because they're packaged within what might be one of the most immersive, atmospheric environments and gripping stories in video games. Sure, Remedy are stealing whatever they can get away with from Twin Peaks and Stephen King's novels in particular, but - not unlike their two Max Payne games - they do it with so much love for both the original works and the characters of their own creation that I couldn't help but dive headfirst into the story of a writer battling his demons in a small American town. It also helps that the characters are very well written with voice acting strong enough to bring them to life successfully. There are some great set pieces, the definite highlight being defending a farm during a rock concert - even remembering it now brings a smile to my face. I also appreciate that the plot includes enough supernatural twists and unanswered questions to keep me guessing and in effect more invested in the world, while Remedy's later games, e.g. Control, include lore too convoluted and abstract for my taste and they lost my interest quite quickly.

This is a game that I've finished 3 times (I think?) as of now and I am certain that I will be coming back to it regularly in the future to immerse myself in the wonderfully created town of Bright Falls.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2023
