This is the fremium nintendo game, the concept of 3ds stickers is great and I love it, but the money you have to spend every time to not even have a guaranteed chance of getting it, yeah I'm good

Amazing party game that uses your phone instead of controllers, make complete sense
Albeit the game selection here doesn't appeal to everyone, if you're playing with people who've never touched a Jackbox game before there isn't a single one they won't ask questions about, especially Monster Seeking Monster
But it's still an amazing collection and pretty much has 6 games with Fibbage Enough About You, and I guarantee you you'll love at least 2 of these

After avoiding this game for years because I thought it was worse than PvZ 1, I have finally beaten it and can say with confidence while it is indeed worse, it's not horrible. It's a lot harder that's for damn sure, but it's got a lot of interesting ideas and plants in it. EA might've destroyed a lot of it due to a ton of micro transactions, plants stuck behind paywalls, limited time only events making 100%ing this game impossible, but I degrees.
If you're looking for a good sequel to Plants vs Zombies, while this one is definitely going to be different and might get on your nerves at times, I would still recommend it
Plus it's a hell of a lot longer so it'll take you a while

The whole idea of it only using one button is done flawlessly without making it baby-mode easy, and honestly it's a joy to play through
Now getting a S rank on every song, come back to me once I've done it

Pretty sweet fighting game, basic concept while having a lot of nuance in it as well. I really wish there was a way to play locally without owning USB controllers but it's fine I guess. Would reccomend

Okay, it's a very simple rhythm game, but also not at all, sure it only uses one button but understanding how each rhythm relates to each pattern of blocks is a whole nother challenge
Would recommend, but keep in mind, it's INSANELY hard

Baby's first visual novel
Love to see fan-made works be published by Sega, and it's lovingly made too
Although I really don't understand what the point of the Sonic mini games was, I mean isn't a crime solving game supposed to challenge your mind, I get Danganronpa did this but that was also my main problem with that game
Give me Phoenix Wright style, I have to figure it out myself dammit!

What the fuck did they do to peggle?

This counts as a game on Backloggd?

Fantastic, even better than the first game

Greatly made Tetris Battle Royale game, but oh my God is it difficult and can get annoying after a while

The best Marvel vs. Capcom game I've played, great fighting mechanics, characters, No notes it's perfect

Baby's First Smash Bros, no multiplayer without multiple copies and I'm not buying this game more

I forgot this game existed the moment I set it down

Lackluster, takes most if not all of its music from New Super Mario Bros Wii, and most of it's gameplay is forgettable mario
The DLC is the only notable thing about this game and you can't even get it anymore