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Good game, really good after the first one
Kinda a strange plot but it all wraps together with the anime
It definetly is more problematic, although I guess they're not minors being sexualized
Still feels...weird knowing the 3rd game

Fantastic Game, Tons of Personality, Side Quests, Everything it's beautiful
My only complaint is you can't go back to the final area of the game after the first time, and it contains collectibles, so if you missed them, you have to restart
But besides that absolutely fantastic

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One of the best visual novels I've played in a long time
The whole...cough Sexualizing of Minors and Maybe Transphobia is why it's not 5 stars
It's definetly a relic of 2010 I'll tell ya that, and a warning for what's to come
I'd still reccomend just take it with a grain of salt

Amazing Taiko game, and obviously I love taiko
It doesn't have to be anything more and it isn't
I mean there is a "party mode" but it's pretty lackluster

Solid Game, Very few complaints, it's not perfect the controls can be clunky at times, and the Pikmin AI is garbage, but it's still great, highly recommend

Baby's First Smash Bros, no multiplayer without multiple copies and I'm not buying this game more

Great Simple Puzzle Game, Gets very cryptic at times, and on the switch version one of the endings is just straight up unattainable, but it's still great

Good Puzzle Game, definitely a mobile game but still good
I haven't updated it so it's still this version instead of ReMix

This is a mobile game packaged as a switch game, I mean it was still free but still this doesn't feel right

Pretty Lackluster 99 Game if I'm being honest, got bored after a few hours, had a lot of potential but executed poorly

Great Puyopuyo Game, Great Tetris Game, Great Combination, the story mode is alright but I don't think I can complain since it wasn't necessary

Don't get the console versions
If you want to get this game you're gonna want to mod it, the modding scene makes it 100x better
Sure it's a fantastic game without them but with them it's even better
Get the PC Version

Combining 2 games that are already great and putting em together
The writing system isn't great but what do you expect from controlling this game with a joystick, but that still takes a lot from the experience

Sure is a shooter game, tons of characters with different gimmicks
I can understand the appeal but it's not my favorite