Amazing Puzzle Game with a simple premise but my makes my brain hurt about 10 levels in


Sure it's fine but the amount of relying it does on motion controls mixed with just...everything makes it the least played software on my switch

Sure is Splatoon
Story mode kinda sucks without the Octo Expansion

Great animal crossing game, highly recommend, I got really bored with it after like 4 months though

Well designed social deduction game, with amazing map design, gameplay, and various different strategies you can do
I really wish this game wasn't in the weird Youtube Kids purgatory it's in though

3 Amazing Mario Games in a Collection
Why was it a limited edition, why? Just why?

Cooking Mama, I mean it was unifinished makes sense

I don't know what else you would expect from a Nintendogs game, good

Kinda made a whole new genre itself, amazing design, the only problem is it's not that long, but it's pretty much infinitely replayable

The Best Wario Land Game, the music and sound design is absolutely incredible. The bosses can get a little janky, I'm looking at you Aerodent, but the rest of the game is pretty gaming

Best Mario Party that's come out in a while, it doesn't have a lot of unique stuff to it, but it doesn't have to
Great Mario Party, even better with the level mechanics

Great story mode and multiplayer mode, kinda lost interest in the story mode after a while but that's not the main focus of the game

Personally, I think it's the best fnaf game

Even better than Drum n' Fun, Amazing Taiko Game, Party Modes are great (And being updated), a whole story mode, which while very...ages 4+, it's inclusion wasn't necessary at all so it being here is nice
Same with the shop and character customization
My only complaint is the regular taiko mode doesn't have a lot of songs because it has a paid subscription
But the songs that are free are still good so still reccomend

This review contains spoilers

Good game, really good after the first one
Kinda a strange plot but it all wraps together with the anime
It definetly is more problematic, although I guess they're not minors being sexualized
Still feels...weird knowing the 3rd game