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Not much has changed since Uncharted 1, but the minor improvements can really be felt. Biggest of all is the addition of stealth kills into gameplay. You no longer have to go about each shooting gallery in the exact same way. Players get rewarded for a bit of patience and clever positioning, and the more stealth kills you carry out, the easier things are once the enemy does spot you. It's a welcome piece of variety and depth.
I did get annoyed, though, when I was in one section where I was trying to stealth my way to the exit, but I got instakilled whenever I tried to leave. It turned out that I had to kill every enemy in the area before I could actually leave. This came right after a climbing section that was a beat-for-beat repeat of the start of the game. It wasn't a particularly quick climbing section, either. Going through the motions and having the same things happen had me very bored.
Despite the annoyances, there's more of a variety of gameplay and the story is willing to do more too, so Uncharted 2 scores a 4.5/5. It's still not perfect, but it's getting there.