So far this game is great! Feels dated at times mainly the 3d levels but I feel it adds charm and a feels a bit too experimental but I respect that. It's hard to keep track at times and know what ur doing, and hard to know if you've explored everything or not but that kinda adds to the replay value.

The soundtrack both JP and US SLAP! Like wow. Amazing stuff.

And I love the introduction of Amy and metal Sonic's new design although I kinda liked the one from sonic 2 more.

The gameplay, is freaking amazing. Love Sonic's design, the new animations, the past/future concept.

The cutscenes are freaking beautiful too and the characters actually make noises in game.

Oh my days tho. The level design. Probably the most beautiful levels, sound design, and soundtrack I've ever seen. The vibe is unmatched, it feels like ur actually in Sonic's universe, and the game is just a great to play all round.

Although a commercial failure, sonic cd is a game made with love, and pure passion. It trys to push boundaries and does though not as much a people wanted but I think this game is a beautiful masterpiece and is probably my favorite sonic game as of now. I think this is a must play for any sonic fan, and for any gamer.

A treat.
Can't wait to play again.


Reviewed on Feb 10, 2023
