The (slight) decline of Sonic begins.

This game looks great and still holds up visually, has a good soundtrack, and even the story isn't bad, but is still a downgrade. And overall coming from Adventure 2 to this feels like a huge downgrade, and rightfully so. And also the bugs and camera here can feel super infuriating at times unlike the other games. It also feels alot easier.

The controls and physics feel awful at first, you get used to them but they feel stiffer and light dash isn't as satisfying.

The level design is good but everything feels so so linear even though it has depth its hard to explain. And enemies having multiple health so you just spam the jump button until they're dead? Like it just feels boring. It's not the WORST but it just feels average coming from Adventure 1 & 2. Its also still quite fun and they are designed well for sure, just have issues.

The boss fights are a joke, coming from the carefully crafted and infuriating at time bosses to these is a joke, just mash until they're dead.

The team concept is cool but it doesn't work that much. It doesn't feel the smoothest and there's no reward or motivation to use it other than hey switch to power hey switch to speed hey switch to flying it just feels like a concept that was rushed and wasn't given much thought other than to meet the check mark of giving you something to do. But some of the new attacks and stuff are cool.

The gimmicks are pretty meh too, the rail missions feel like knockoffs of the Ratchet and Clank games and the infuriating controls and physics makes the missions unbearable cus u keep falling and also you just bug out so many times.

Metal Sonic goes so hard.

The exact same stages for everyone sucks too, and also the perspective playing as other teams just isn't as good as adventure 2. It has replay value so I appreciate the effort.

So yeah, is it a fun game and enjoyable? Definitely. But, coming from 10/10s to a 7, just feels jarring. None of the stages are that memorable too.

And also at the time people were starting to feel the decline of Sonic, or just getting tired of him, so this game didn't do a lot to help reignite the Sonic flame, still a good game and fun, but you can see this is where things started to go wrong for Sonic Team due to their ambition, and unrealistic timeline to make these games.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2023
