Yeah, it's everything you've heard about. It's heartbreaking.

A rushed and at a lot of times an infuriating game, a waste of enormous potential, and a huge disappointment.

After everything I heard about Sonic The Hedgehog 2006, it's apparent to me that what I heard was right for the most part. This is a bad game. It's average or slightly above. Maybe even less if you experience game breaking bugs or have ZERO patience.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) is a buggy, poorly designed, unfinished mess.

This game should have been the comeback from Shadow The Hedgehog that Sega needed. And Sega had all the resources to do so, but no they had to release this on Sonics anniversary and ruin his reputation for years to come.

What should have been the modern day Sonic Adventure or 3, and it may give some reminders of it at times, FEELS nothing like it.

This game instantly starts off on the wrong foot, with its absolutely awful loading times, wonky controls, and bugs. It's sad, it's infuriating, and it's not fun.

The graphics and art direction is awesome, still kind of impressive to this day, and the soundtrack is amazing. But it's not enough.

I can't lie and say I didn't have fun, I did, I actually enjoyed it at times of course I would I love Sonic, I also enjoyed Shadow The Hedgehog, they're games that definitely needed more time in the oven, but they're not the worst games ever as people say there's so many good elements. But this game is a different level of bad and has way less replay value compared to Shadow The Hedgehog and this game also just doesn't work at a lot of times it pisses you off and makes you sad of what could've been.

The mach speed missions are so buggy and jank and laggy at times, but when they work for a couple seconds they're so cool, the concept was awesome. But infuriating levels.

The story, the dialogue is absolutely awful, writing is piss poor (although Shadow is in character which is nice) and there are few good moments between him and Sonic that are memorable. Overall the whole cast are still the characters we know and love.

The Shadow and Silver episodes have cool concepts and try to be like Adventure 2 but are executed poorly and clearly rushed and more should be expected as this game was released in 2006. But the true ending goes hard icl could be better but reminds me of the death of Superman and Silver is literally just future Trunks LOL. Also that kiss... Yikes man... So odd

Trying to add a hub world like Sonic Adventure 1 was a great idea! Only here it sucks and feels lifeless and a slog to traverse through and has no charm, other than at the time looking like a great Tech demo.

The physics, animations, and controls are awful. Only way to put it, clearly needed more time and if they were complete it would make the game 10x better.

The level design is good sometimes, and even some of the missions are somewhat fun, but multiple loading screens, switch ups in the middle of it ruin the experience. And way too linear.

The lack of mechanics and poor use of the ones included also ruin the games. What was the point of giving Shadow vehicles again by the way, why are Silvers telekinesis or whatever power animation so jank too. It's sad.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 broke my heart, and broke every Sonic fans heart too. The game that could've been.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2023
