Oh my goodness. Without a doubt the greatest Resident Evil game and one of the best games ever made. A perfect mix of action, and survival horror.

This game is terrifying, the tone, the art style and direction, the creepy and amazing soundtrack. All of these together bring Resident Evil 4 to life. Even the freaking sound design is amazing. It's awesome truly and in 2005 jaw dropping even in 2023 I'm super impressed. And man those death screens are insane.

The puzzles are made well and fun to solve, some are super hard I love it. The classic RE staple.

And the fact this game went through development hell and ended up being goated it's just mind blowing and it ran well and worked amazing and didn't cut corners on every platform it was released for.

The story is so awesome too, having Leon back as our protagonist is amazing and he's at his best here. The writing is very good, and the dialogue has its charm and is funny at times, it's the Capcom style. I always wanted to know more about the story and lore because it keeps you interested and intrigued.

The new enemies are horrifying, and make very creepy sounds that are unnerving like I had to play with my lights on. The original is still the scariest but this one is a very close second which is saying something since you can literally feel so powerful and badass a lot of times.

I loved all the weapons, the game is designed brilliantly, so many routes to take, explore, different ways to fight, and the game is genuinely difficult and has so much replay value. And extra modes after beating the main game, you can tell this game had so much love put into it. I loved the village and then the castle and the callback to RE2 in the sewers this game is freaking amazing all the areas are awesome and memorable.

The Krauser fight, especially the finale is one of the best and most well thought out bosses I've ever seen and it's so sick especially how your knife is encouraged it's a straight 1v1 and the Salazar boss fight is awesome and iconic too, all of them are honestly, the merchant is a legend, and seeing Ada again was awesome too, I really loved the notes too the first time in a game where I wanted to read everything. And Luis was so cool too! He got done dirty! All the bosses are amazing and man the creatures and monsters are so well designed and sound super scary. I just loved playing it's amazing honestly it's what gaming is about and this game aged so well.

I genuinely can not believe this game was made in 2005, to this day it looks amazing and on modern consoles it looks even better. This game revolutionized so many things, and man Capcom in the early 2000 was just crazy, they made DMC1 which was inspired by this game and you can really feel how both games have similarities, and then they made DMC3 also they were just on a roll! (We don't talk about DMC2)

I always wanted to see what happens next, Ashley is basically Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite LOL. Leon and her have a cute relationship and it's cool how she can help you out and do things for you at times.

This game doesn't have any flaws tbh, I'm just nitpicking on things that could be improved, the camera feels a little wonky at times and I wish Ashley had more lines and that's about it tbh.

I freaking love this game, everything about it. I love how it's over the top, I love all the action sequences, I even love the quick time events this game is so awesome. And man the ending and final boss is so awesome.

This is truly Capcoms greatest game right next to DMC3, (5 too, and RE2 Remake was amazing too but uk what I mean!!) and I can not wait to see the improvements in the remake, even though it doesn't really need it (Capcom why'd u mess up 3 it needed it the most :( smh).

A masterpiece, timeless, and just amazing. This is peak gaming.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2023
